I've never been the lightest packer but now there are even more necessities to pack, I have no choice but to pack like a hoarder on steroids. It's embarrassing! 🙈

But the exciting part in all of this is that recently I actually got to pack to go stay somewhere other than the hospital. Fun times!!
I have a list saved in my iPad of everything I need to take for hospital admissions and I have perfected it down to the smallest details so I don't forget anything. It's a pretty exhausting and boring list but the good thing is I don't need to pack the medical supplies stuff or medications, as they're supplied by the hospital. When going anywhere else, I have recently discovered there is a lot more to packing and preparation involved in moving my little life.
For a less than 24hour period of time away from home it took days of planning.
Writing lists of what to take
Organising medical supplies to take with us
Organising enough medications and enough 'as needed' medications for unexpected or increased symptoms
Calling the accomodation ahead to let them know my physical disabilities/requirements
Organising the appropriate room with disabled access for my wheelchair
Making sure that the equipment I need will be available at the location
Checking on parking so we don't have to go far when we arrive sick from travel
Making sure that we are located close to the place I am going
Double checking I haven't forgotten anything
Triple checking I haven't forgotten anything
And so much more.
It's actually quite exhausting and honestly a bit overwhelming. I had a fast, fleeting but very enjoyable time away for my night and I'm so glad I got to do it thanks to my muma bear for taking me. We had no real mishaps and things went as smoothly as possible, which was really positive and gives me hope that one day, these little trips won't be such a big ordeal for me and my family in the future.
For now though, things like this trip are the ultimate luxury and something I am quite proud of achieving. To stay anywhere but in the hospital or in my fully equipped home with all my bits and pieces is something that was far beyond an achievable reach until now. The reality is it is probably a long way from becoming a regular occurrence but knowing I could do it makes all the difference to my outlook. Although it takes time, planning and meticulous examination of details, it brings me one tiny step closer to living a semi-normal life.