For the last 4 years illness has been my life. I hate writing that, but it's true.
I have literally lived and breathed it whilst lying in my hospital bed or my other hospital bed in my room at home. It definitely has not been my choice or intended pathway in life but it's the hand I've been given.
A lot of the time in the last few years I've been so sick I have not been able to do even the simplest movements without becoming symptomatic or losing consciousness. Activities like reading, watching tv, playing games, facebooking etc etc have had limitations, not to even mention the more physical tasks.
Over time as I've gotten better or recovered from an infection & systemic flare I have started to really enjoy activities I never thought I would & have been grateful to be able to return to a few of the activities I loved.
So here's a brief list of my main interests that have waxed and waned over time
- Music. This has been my sanity no question about it! I've used music to shut out the world, feel the world, clear my mind, strengthen my soul & just survive. The way in which the different harmonies and beats can transform my mood, be it; motivating me, inspiring me, comforting me, soothing me or taking me to a parallel universe when I can just escape reality is truly amazing. I don't know how I would have survived so many long and depressing nights or noisy and hopeless days. Music lifts me up & helps me stop and feel my senses.
I listen to music like piano or circ de solei to calm me
I listen to boppy upbeat music to lift my mood
I listen to positive songs to motivate me
I listen to colder & dull tones when I'm down
I listen to love songs to escape
I love all mainstream music & laid back...really almost anything!
- Study. I'm such an inner nerd. Throughout this journey I've continually pushed myself to maximum capacity in the hope of returning to study as my number 1 goal. When I got sick I had just started my first year of a Bachelor of Medicine and I was loving it. I felt like I was in the right place and my life was heading towards what I had hoped for. I had completed my degree in Occupational Therapy and enjoyed it but knew I was not in the right spot for me. I decided to apply for medicine in the final yr of OT and started it straight up the next year. Since then I've been fighting hard to keep my place in the course as it is quite a gruelling process to get in.
My determination to get better has partly been driven by desire to finish my studies. Whilst in hospital as an inpatient I completed all the courses I could possibly do by distance. I also completed a subject which required me to go to the university once/week for 1.5hrs for a compulsory tutor class, which left me nauseated and dizzy by the time I returned, oh...and I can never forget a massive projectile vomit onto my poor sister in the van. It was a massive effort but it kept me hopeful for better health and a 'normal' life. I'm now at a crossroad as it has gotten to my last lifeline and I have to commence this semester to remain in the course. University has started again and I am 100% certain I will still be in hospital for the majority of it, making the task practically impossible. I love learning new things in any context but is time up for study right now??
If I don't get to continue with this degree, what's next for me?? Ahhhh
- Candle making. I love candle making!! Only last year, which was my first period of time out of hospital since 2010, I decided that I'd like to try candle making. So I spent quite a while researching on YouTube videos & looking online to work out what to do, then my mum and I took the plunge and ordered the stuff. I must admit that I cannot even contimplate doing this on my own as it's far too physical for me so we have a little system where I can set up the jars, wicks, stickers, and everything else why my beautiful mum does the work of heating and melting the wax and lifting the jugs of stuff and pouring the fragrance. Wella, we are now scented candle pros 😉 Last year before Xmas we
made 80 candles, all the decent size of a glasshouse one and it was a mighty effort. Eventually I'd like to sell them at a market but for now it's not realistic.
- Socialising. Throughout my journey of becoming unwell and then adjusting to life with a chronic illness, my social circles have diminished. Now my beautiful and amazing friends that have stuck around mean the world to me. I look forward to when they visit me in hospital or when I'm well we go out for lunch or hang at my house. My life was very social before I became unwell & I loved it. Now I treasure my true friends & I cannot express my gratitude to them enough for being with me on this roller coaster.
- Watching tv/movies. I don't know what it's like in other hospital systems but here if you've got private health cover, you are privy to a little tv. If not you must pay $40 per week for the luxury of free to air tv. Yes, free to air tv but they charge a mint. In my opinion it is a robbery to charge people who are clearly unwell to have basic tv to fill in the copious lonely hours of hospital life, I've had times where I cannot watch the tv or DVDs because I have been to unwell and dizzy & nauseous, but when I have been able to I have enjoyed the escape and most of all the distraction. I've always enjoyed watching tv even when I was well, I guess now though it has a whole other dimension to it when it has often been the only distraction available on the long nights in hospital.
- Reading (mostly magazines). I go through periods of reading novels but mostly since this whole sickness I read magazines. I don't mind trashy gossip like 'Who', 'Famous', 'that's life' , Cosmo and many more. As for novels my favourite author is Jodi Picoult. Her books mostly have themes of medical and legal issues and are an easy and enjoyable read. Any other novel suggestions??
- Crochet. I have not crocheted recently but I was very into it when I first got sick. My mum and I
decided to learn to crochet whilst I was in we did. My best teacher was a patient who was in the bed next to me. She was a 78yr old cute grandma with a heart of gold. Her name 'Joy' resonated with her personality, she was a truly gentle human being and definitely in my top listof favourite roomies of all time 😊. With her guidance, mum and I crocheted up a storm. I made many blankets for friends & family and a few for myself and it kept me entertained and provided a purposeful activity. I can't recall why I stopped but it wasn't for lack of loving it. I'm sure I'll get back into it again soon...
So those things are my highlight reel for activities I've enjoyed in hospital since 2010. There are many more but they don't seem as significant as the abovementioned ones.
I'd love to get inspired and hear your activities? Likes & interests?
I'm always looking for new things yo do so please comment with your interests!!! <3
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